The reason is that I was convinced by an elementary school computer teacher to blog my trip so that the kids in his 4th and 5th grade classes can get a sense for this vast and far-away country. This may be a departure from the "mission statement" of Foodie Har! Har! but it just might be fun nevertheless. So, here goes.

What do I plan to do on the plane all those hours? Watch movies, of course. Last trip I watched four movies each way... a good way to catch up on all the movies I've missed. Next in priority comes sleep. With my little half-doughnut pillow, I can sleep quite well and my neck won't hurt or get all twisted. Maybe I'll read. I'm bringing a couple of books to get me in the mood for the trip. One is In a Sunburned Country, which is about Australia and very funny, and the other is Julie and Julia about a woman who tries to cook all of the recipes in Julia Child's famous French food cookbook in one year. She was a blogger and an inspiration to me as a fellow "foodie," roughly defined as one who loves really good food.

I'm including a map of Australia at the top so you can see where I'm going. I will land in Sydney and stay there a couple of hours, and then fly on to Brisbane, about 600 miles away, which is a short flight compared to flying across the Pacific Ocean, but is still farther than going from San Diego to San Francisco. Will I see kangaroos on the street? Are there wild koalas in the trees? I can't wait to see what will happen. I'll post and tell you more about it when I land.
The Australian Outcast
4th grade students ask:
- Can you send us more pictures of animals in Australia?
- Are you in a hotel or are you sleeping in a tent or cabin in the forest?
- How do you like Australia? :)
I will include more pictures of animals as I go along. Next week I am going to the Australia Zoo, so that will be a great time to send lots of animals pictures.
I am mostly staying with two friends I have here, but will also stay in small hotels and Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Inns. One B&B I stayed in has an old train car that they have remodeled to look like a bedroom. It was fun sleeping in a rail car.
I am enjoying Australia. It is warm and sunny here because it is summer, so I can swim in a warm pool or go to the beach, which I love. I also am enjoying seeing my friends and making new friends.
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