Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Foodie Har! Har! Goes to Australia

What do Americans know about Australian food? Well, there's Paul Hogan's famous, "Put another shrimp on the barbie," or vegemite for the daring, or maybe meat pasties if you have a friend who lives there. Over the course of the next month, you and I are about to find out a whole lot more. And not just about the food, but also the weather, strange customs, and anything different and curious about Australia or the Australian way of life-- from the point of view of a 10-year old.

The reason is that I was convinced by an elementary school computer teacher to blog my trip so that the kids in his 4th and 5th grade classes can get a sense for this vast and far-away country. This may be a departure from the "mission statement" of Foodie Har! Har! but it just might be fun nevertheless. So, here goes.


Today, Wednesday, November 26th, I will fly out at 10:30 at night for an overnight flight on Qantas, which is Australia's largest airline. The flight will take 20 hours and I will arrive in Australia on Friday, November 28th in the morning, or 37 hours later. No, I am not horrible at math. The missing piece of information is that the time zone I am going to in Australia is 17 hours ahead of our time zone on the West Coast of the United States, and I will cross the date line, which means that it's the next day there. If the trip wasn't hard enough already, I will also miss Thanksgiving altogether... that's probably why the flight was so cheap. Maybe they will have turkey dinner on the plane. I'll let you know next time I get to a computer when I land.

What do I plan to do on the plane all those hours? Watch movies, of course. Last trip I watched four movies each way... a good way to catch up on all the movies I've missed. Next in priority comes sleep. With my little half-doughnut pillow, I can sleep quite well and my neck won't hurt or get all twisted. Maybe I'll read. I'm bringing a couple of books to get me in the mood for the trip. One is In a Sunburned Country, which is about Australia and very funny, and the other is Julie and Julia about a woman who tries to cook all of the recipes in Julia Child's famous French food cookbook in one year. She was a blogger and an inspiration to me as a fellow "foodie," roughly defined as one who loves really good food.

I'm including a map of Australia at the top so you can see where I'm going. I will land in Sydney and stay there a couple of hours, and then fly on to Brisbane, about 600 miles away, which is a short flight compared to flying across the Pacific Ocean, but is still farther than going from San Diego to San Francisco. Will I see kangaroos on the street? Are there wild koalas in the trees? I can't wait to see what will happen. I'll post and tell you more about it when I land.

The Australian Outcast


Andrew Calkins said...
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Andrew Calkins said...

4th grade students ask:
- Can you send us more pictures of animals in Australia?
- Are you in a hotel or are you sleeping in a tent or cabin in the forest?
- How do you like Australia? :)

The Outcasts said...

I will include more pictures of animals as I go along. Next week I am going to the Australia Zoo, so that will be a great time to send lots of animals pictures.

I am mostly staying with two friends I have here, but will also stay in small hotels and Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Inns. One B&B I stayed in has an old train car that they have remodeled to look like a bedroom. It was fun sleeping in a rail car.

I am enjoying Australia. It is warm and sunny here because it is summer, so I can swim in a warm pool or go to the beach, which I love. I also am enjoying seeing my friends and making new friends.